Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Here is an activity we did recently. The kids sorted the chips into the 3 colored tins. I bot these tins at a local craft store, but the lids were colored and not the rest. So I took colored duct tape and placed inside the can. These work great too in that when we are done, I can store the chips in the tins.

I have started using some montessori activities in my daycare. I'm really more "self taught" in that what I do know, I've learned from online sights. There are some great ones out there. I won't list all the ones I use here, but I did come across this sight recently where there are videos to show you how some montessori activities are done. Go to http://www.ehow.com/ and type in montessori, montessori activities, montessori videos and the list is endless. I want to thank all those that have done videos on this sight. I'm a visual learner and it helps so much to be able to see some of these activities in action. I would love to have some official trainer, but time, money and finding someone local holds up that taking place.

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