Saturday, October 15, 2011

Simple Songs for Preschool

I bot this CD from Teaching Preschool (see link below) a few months ago. My Daycare kids LOVE it. Check it out.

And if you haven't yet, check out her website. TONS and TONS of awesome information and activities plus more.

Inexpensive Flash Cards

Here are some inexpensive color "flashcards". Got the flashcard size color cards at Walmart in the paint section - they are free. I picked up 2 of each color I wanted, laminated them (the only cost was the laminating sheets) and cut them out.

I got 2 of each color so that we could use them as matching, too. I just got the basic colors, but you could get different shades of each color too.

I've done this also with the paint cards that were the size of a deck of cards, laminate them, place them in a basket or small rubbermaid container and let the children play with them.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Colleen's Country Kids Facebook fan page

I don't get on the blog as much as I'd like and/or should. But I do try to put something on the daycare faceook fan page daily.
Check it out:

Friday, May 27, 2011

Garanimals bath letters and numbers collection

I can't remember (should be better about making notes) where I saw this idea, but thought it was really cute and fun.

I bot the Garanimals bath letters and numbers collection at Walmart. I buy the diaper wipes at Sams and you always get a new box with them. I don't need to replace my wet ones box every time so decided to do something else with it. Then I saw this idea.

Now the only thing I found was you couldn't give them all the letters at once as they can't them all in the box. You can store the letters all in the box, but once it starts getting full, the kids had trouble getting them in. So next time I will only give them a few letters at a time. They really enjoyed doing this.

The numbers (not pictured) did fit well in the box. Thinking I will let them place with this for awhile first then we will talk more about the letters and let them learn thru playing with it.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Child Central Station - video

Here are some children in action using outside music. I'm definitely going to make some of these for our outside play area. WHAT FUN!

let the children play: ideas for music play outdoors

Here are some more ideas for music play outside: This blog has alot of good ideas. Check it out.

let the children play: ideas for music play outdoors: "Do you remember the banging post we created with the children at preschool. Inspired by this banging post on the wonderful SouleMama , ou..."

let the children play: outdoor music play at preschool

let the children play: outdoor music play at preschool: " This week we got our groove on outdoors. A selection of instruments and pots and pans on the picnic table: The big xylophone and buck..."

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sensory Tables

I've done sensory tables off and on over the years in my home daycare. But never had an actual sensory table - couldn't afford one or didn't have the space for you. What I've used is a rubbermaid container on the floor. Which sometimes with toddlers just doesn't work very well. Recently, after discussing this with some other childcare providers, I got inspired. I went and purchase a white 18 gallon rubbermaid container (on sale even). Then I purchased a 26 qrt clear rubbermaid container. I place the sensory goodies in the smaller container, and placed it on top of the larger container. A great height for the kids to stand up to. I put on the floor a shower curtain to help with clean up. I also put a rubbery cabinet liner between the containers to help with less slipping.

So far, it's been a hit. We've played with the sensory table quite a bit the last couple of weeks. This particular picture is the rice valentine colored sensory table. For February, also have one with artificial rose petals and another with cotton balls.You can see more pictures of February's sensory tables on my FB fan page:

It's very rare to find a child that doesn't like to paint. My experience anyway. I've had a few daycare kids that maybe didn't like touching the paint, but give them something to paint with - then they love to paint. Give a child a blank piece of paper, some paint and something to paint with - then let them create their own "masterpiece."

I love to find a variety of things for the daycare kids to paint with. There are the traditional things: fingers, paint brushes, cookie cutters, sponges and things made for painting.

But then it's fun to come up with things that weren't made for
painting.: Bath sponges, cleaning sponges, toothbrushes, feathers, paint stick sticks, craft sticks, cotton balls, kitchen scrubbers and more. What items can you think of that would be fun to paint with?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Got behind

Well, I'm really behind. Thought about trying to "catch up" but think I'll just start from this point. I do have a facebook daycare fan page too.
That is more updated if you care to take a look at it.

Will get on here tomorrow and post some pictures of what we've been up too so far this month.