Saturday, October 15, 2011

Simple Songs for Preschool

I bot this CD from Teaching Preschool (see link below) a few months ago. My Daycare kids LOVE it. Check it out.

And if you haven't yet, check out her website. TONS and TONS of awesome information and activities plus more.

Inexpensive Flash Cards

Here are some inexpensive color "flashcards". Got the flashcard size color cards at Walmart in the paint section - they are free. I picked up 2 of each color I wanted, laminated them (the only cost was the laminating sheets) and cut them out.

I got 2 of each color so that we could use them as matching, too. I just got the basic colors, but you could get different shades of each color too.

I've done this also with the paint cards that were the size of a deck of cards, laminate them, place them in a basket or small rubbermaid container and let the children play with them.