Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fall Leaves

Working on next weeks theme of Fall/Autumn Leaves. Have found some really neat activities for us to do online.

I hope I'm doing this correctly, but I wanted to share this blog page. She has some awesome leaves ideas that I do believe we will try here next week.

Also scroll down on the left and there are Fall and Leaves labels you can click on for some other awesome ideas.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Since becoming a childcare provider, I've also become some what of a packrack. LOL I look at things and think "Hmm? What could we do with this?" Not just for crafts activities, but storage, games, and etc.
I often will eat a frozen diet meal for lunch. I got to keeping the pans thinking this would be handy for something. One of the things I found them useful for was to put paint in when we are painting. Some times I'll wash them out and reuse them. Sometimes I'll just throw them away. I'm sure this idea isn't new to everyone, but wanted to share.


My favorite type of "curriculum" to good old fashion PLAY! Today the kiddos were playing with the dress up clothes but not to dress up in. They were using them to play "hide n' seek." Lots and lots of giggling! In this picture they are hamming it up a bit for the camera. At one point the 2 on the right were under all the shirts. Not sure why Mr. J is so serious in the picture, other than it was getting late in the morning so think he was getting tired.
Not only did they have fun, but lots of vacabulary was used, colors described, positions, opposites and the lists goes on. And all ages could play and enjoy the fun.

"Where did she go?" He found her! Simple fun!Love it!